easyJet Update: January
Welcome to our monthly newsletter! This month’s topics:
- VNC visits ICC!
- CLA 2026
A quick reminder: being delayed into your day off doesn’t always automatically entitle you to payment as set in the CLA. To know when you need to manually submit a claim in Workday, check the delay code in your roster.
- DDO (Delayed into day off less than 90 minutes): This code will automatically trigger payment, and no action is needed.
- IDO (Infringed more than 90 minutes into day off): This code does not automatically attract payment. You will need to submit a claim via the Duty Claim Form in Workday. You can claim an IDO up to 5 years after it occurs.
VNC Visits ICC!
On 6th February, the unions and the Dutch Works Council will visit easyJet’s Integrated Control Centre (ICC) in Luton. We’ll have the chance to meet with the Crewing, Rostering, and Establishment teams to ask important questions about rosters, pairings, and staffing. One topic the VNC plans to raise during the visit is the instability of the roster in the past three months.
Do you have any questions you’d like the VNC to ask on your behalf? Please get in touch with us before 6th February.
CLA 2026
In the last quarter of this year, we expect to begin negotiations for the new CLA. Starting in February, we’ll send surveys to our members to gather your thoughts and needs for the upcoming CLA. We’ll also be organising information sessions on various CLA topics to better understand your requests.
Be sure to join the VNC easyJet AMS Cabin Crew group on Facebook, where we’ll be posting regular polls. Your input is crucial, and we look forward to discussing the next CLA with you.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us:
- Email: sectiebestuur.easyjet@vnconline.nl
- VNC easyJet WhatsApp Service: +31 6 48 17 55 96 (24/7)
- Phone: +31 (0)20 5020480
We’re happy to help and look forward to hearing from you!
Farah van Keeken and Dino Brunst
VNC easyJet Board Members