easyJet Workscouncil Elections: I fly, I VOTE!
The easyJet Dutch Works Council Elections are scheduled from April 22 until April 29, 2024. The VNC has six excellent candidates that are looking forward to representing your interests in the DWC. Diane van den Berg, Lynn ’t Hart, Gloria Olmi, Malcolm Schwidder, Victor Spier and Antoinette Weegman are all top-candidates that would love to have your vote. Would you like to know what motivates them to improve and protect your working conditions? Click on this link to find out.
Listen to our DWC podcast
Some of you might wonder what a Works Council does. Good question! Listen to our 15 minute podcast about the DWC to find out why they are so important for you.
Vote VNC!
Our Works Council members get support from the VNC: a cabin crew union with more than 75 years of experience in advocating for cabin crew interests. With this expertise, our union enhances your working conditions both on board and at our base.
Our experienced candidates are committed to safeguarding your interests in the Dutch Works Council. Make a difference and vote for our VNC candidates!
#IFlyIVote! #IFlyIVoteVNC!
Farah van Keeken and Dino Brunst
VNC easyJet board members
De VNC strijdt voor jouw goede arbeidsvoorwaarden en toekomst. Investeer in jezelf en word ook lid via dit aanmeldformulier of vraag meer informatie via secretariaat@vnconline.nl – 020 5020480. Je kunt de contributie grotendeels terugkrijgen via de cafetariaregeling. Samen staan we sterker voor de belangen van al het cabinepersoneel.